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                                                  All my friends are heathens. Take it slow                                                    Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse All my friends are heathens. Take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse Welcome to the room of people Who have rooms of people that they loved one day Docked away Just because we check the guns at the door Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?" But after all I've said Please don't forget All my friends are heathens. Take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't


Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you I drink too much and that's an issue But I'm OK Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them But I hope I never see them Again I know it breaks your heart Moved to the city in a broke-down car And four years, no calls Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar And I, I, I, I, I can't stop No, I, I, I, I, I can't stop So, baby, pull me closer In the back seat of your Rover That I know you can't afford Bite that tattoo on your shoulder Pull the sheets right off the corner Of that mattress that you stole From your roommate back in Boulder We ain't ever getting older We ain't ever getting older We ain't ever getting older You look as good as the day I met you I forget just why I left you, I was insane Stay and play that Blink-182 song That we beat to death in Tucson, OK I know it breaks your heart Moved to the city in a broke-down car

The Void: seven

Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head. After that night she went out, determined to prove them wrong,prove them wrong ,that she can be pretty, she  will   be pretty and nothing will stop her. But there was a voice in her head, telling her not to follow the path, not to become like them. But she ignored, she was sick of being made fun of, sick of all those people talking about her; talking about her flaws. She wanted to show them how beautiful she is, that she can hide her scars and be beautiful, she just wanted to be  loved  and  adored .  The next day, he felt his heart shatter. The girl he loved, the girl he stood up for had changed. She wore  makeup,a nd what hurt him more was she didn't give him a second glance, not even the smile she used to give. No, she walked right past him and into the arms of the bully, but what she did next killed him; killed every single piece of him.   she kissed her  bully . the one who'd made fun of her,

The Void:six

-sometimes the darkness knows what I feel - He wanted her, he wanted to let her know that he cared; that he   loved   her. He would die for her, if it meant that she wouldn't be bullied. Her looks never mattered to him, it was her smile, her laugh, her personality was what attracted him the most , because outer beauty didn't mean anything to him, it was what her scared skin held underneath; a beautiful girl who didn't know that she meant something to someone. someone who would die over a hundred times just to see her be happy. The boy wouldn't stop talking to her, he would always be with her and to make thing even worse, he lives right next door. but he made her smile; made her feel happy; and feeling that she hasn't felt since her parent died. she never felt like this before. she felt love. but she was scared, what if it  mended her broken pieces, only to leave them shattered when he leaves her. she wants to let him go but she was afraid that if she let

Lies Hurt

LIES HURT... Nothing's same again. Its a stain, a dirt, An undying pain. Forgive you may,but Forget you can't, Its a lifelong rant. Lies leave a forever Imprint on you, Wouldn't bring you back , whatever you do. A Lie changes ones personality , it never benefits you, What is the fun, was it worth the due ?? It makes you a Loser who can never stand up again, Why make a mess of self when there is nothing to gain! LIES HURT ...


  A book by Stephenie Meyer   What's It About: " About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him—and I didn't know how dominant that part might be—that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." "In the first book of the Twilight Saga, internationally bestselling author Stephenie Meyer introduces Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, a pair of star-crossed lovers whose forbidden relationship ripens against the backdrop of small-town suspicion and a mysterious coven of vampires. This is a love story with bite.  " My Opinion: I loved the book! The author had thought about the characters, and described them so well, I could imagine them. Will I Recommend it: Yes. I will mostly recommend Young Teens/Adults. Ratings: 4 1/2  out of 5

The Void: five

When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless. He was standing by her locker; waiting for her. She was cautious when walking towards her locker, this was the first time anyone even gave her a second glance or cared about her. This was the first time since the accident that she didn't feel invisible, l ike someone actually gave a damn about her.   She felt something; something that she never had felt in a long time.  happiness.  "hey" "um... hi?" He smiled at her. Her face lit up, someone actually wanted to talk to her; someone wanted to make her smile.  "how are you?" "fine, i guess?" she felt mixed emotions flowing through her body, should she trust him or not? is he also one of those jerks, who will bully her at the end or use her? Why would he even talk to her; her , who was called a loser, who never smi

The Void:four

the words they say make bruises that don't fade away. All those words they said, all those things they said; they didn't hurt her on the outside but they shattered her on the inside. She lost her will,she lost her joy. she lived in fear, she can't hide the tears,she had thoughts of suicide,which she fought inside. Did it fill them with determination that they had power over her? Did it fill them with happiness in all the wrong ways? They were the reason, that she went to void, where her world was perfect, where  she   -was perfect, where everyone  loved  her. Each word they said, each sound that came out of their mouth shattered her; it was like rubbing salt on a wound; a wound that would never heal. No one helped her, no one stood up for her. Not even her best friends. They either stood their as still as statues or would be the one assaulting her.  Each word left visible scars; reminding her of the things that she can cover but  never change .

The Void: three

if i don't look into your eyes, it's almost like a perfect lie. He  asked her how she was. She looked at him as if he were joking, as if he was  joking about caring about  her. H er eyes scanned his body; drinking in everything about him. His black hair, his brown eyes, the way his face was almost two different colours. Something about him unsettled her, she didn't know if it was the way he looked or the way he acted as if he cared about her. "leave me alone" He was taked aback by her response, he knew thew way she felt, how it was to be treated differently. How it was to be made fun of ,for the way you look; because of something you can't change. It hurt him that he couldn't show here that he cared because he thought the world was against her.  "no" No one had talked to her this way before, the would all leave her alone; they would let her rot in her misery. "leave me alone, i don't like you"he said "you're

The Void: two

  We become aware of the void as we fill it.  The void. It will always be her happy place,there she was perfect,there she was the queen,there everyone loved her,there she is pretty,that is her perfect world,a world where she was perfect. She hates the scars she has.She hates every one of them; reminding her of how she failed,how selfish she was. Sometimes, she would wish that she was the one who died. The world would rather have two hardworking, loving and  beautiful  people,than one  ugly  and lazy person.

The Void: one

I run. I run in the void. Or maybe i should put it the other way: i run in order to acquire a void. She hated way people looked at her. She hated the way people would give her looks of sympathy; as if they understood what she's been through, that they knew what they knew what she had to live with. They didn't know anything. They didn't know what it felt like to be treated differently because of how she  looks . How they would laugh at her face, not even behind her back; no, they would laugh right in front of her face; they would do right in  front of her. T hey would make fun of her, when tears threaten to spill from her eyes. Calling her a  freak, a nobody. N o one knew what it felt like, they would tell her to die and she would almost do it but the thought of her parents; that was what stopped her. She knew that her parents would disappointed to see her so soon. She was only 16.  16.  she wished that she could rewind time. To go back and never go out that d

The Void: prolouge

The void was her happy place She  was  the freak. She  is  the freak. She will  always  be the freak. That's all she will ever be. She let herself go the day of the accident. She let go of hope. She let go of happiness. But most of all, she let go of  love.

City of Ember

A book by Jeanne DuPrau Book 1 of the sequel The City of Ember. What is it about: "Many hundreds of years ago, the city of Ember was created by the Builders to contain everything needed for human survival. It worked…but now the storerooms are almost out of food, crops are blighted, corruption is spreading through the city and worst of all—the lights are failing. Soon Ember could be engulfed by darkness… But when two children, Lina and Doon, discover fragments of an ancient parchment, they begin to wonder if there could be a way out of Ember. Can they decipher the words from long ago and find a new future for everyone? Will the people of Ember listen to them?" My Opinion: This book is about two youngsters, a boy and a girl, who meet at school. They switched their jobs and wanted to save the city of Ember. The city of Ember is falling apart, their only resources of light is a light bulb. The resources are slowly running out but what if they find another

Tell Me Who I Am : Sometimes it's Safer Not to Know

A book by Alex Lewis, Mark Lewis, Joanna Hodgkin What's It About: "A true story of false memory and lost innocence in one of England's most respectable families Imagine waking up one day to discover that you have forgotten everything about your life. Your only link with the past, your only hope for the future, is your identical twin. Now imagine, years later, discovering that your twin had not told you the whole truth about your childhood, your family, and the forces that had shaped you. Why the secrets? Why the silences? You have no choice but to begin again. This has been Alex's reality: a world where memories are just the stories people tell you, where fact and fiction are impossible to distinguish. With dogged courage he has spent years hunting for the truth about his hidden past and his remarkable family. His quest to understand his true identity has revealed shocking betrayals and a secret tragedy, extraordinary triumph over crippling adversity and, above a

Egypt: Day 1

We meet our personal guide, who accompanied us to visit Giza. We visited one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramids of Cheops,Chephren and Mykerinus, Famous Sphinx, and Valley temple, Egyptian Museum, Treasure room of king Tutankhamen. Continue to Coptic Cairo to visit the Hanging Church and Ben Ezra Synagogue. Then we continued driving to Islamic Cairo's old bazaar. Egyptian Museum: There are seven sections in the Museum: The first section : Tutankhamon's treasures. The second section : the pre-dynasty and the Old Kingdom monuments. The third section : the first intermediate period and the Middle Kingdom monuments. The forth section : the monuments of the Modern Kingdom. The fifth section : the monuments of the late period and the Greek and Roman periods. The sixth section : coins and papyrus. The seventh section : sarcophagi and scrabs The Egyptian antiquities were really detailed and beautiful. By the, deta


Hello!! This easter break, my family and I went to Egypt. We were there for 9 days and it was amazing. Soon, I will start writing what I did on those days.