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The Void: five

When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.

He was standing by her locker; waiting for her. She was cautious when walking towards her locker, this was the first time anyone even gave her a second glance or cared about her. This was the first time since the accident that she didn't feel invisible, like someone actually gave a damn about her.  She felt something; something that she never had felt in a long time. happiness.
"um... hi?"

He smiled at her. Her face lit up, someone actually wanted to talk to her; someone wanted to make her smile. 
"how are you?"
"fine, i guess?"
she felt mixed emotions flowing through her body, should she trust him or not? is he also one of those jerks, who will bully her at the end or use her? Why would he even talk to her; her, who was called a loser, who never smiled, never talked, never laughed.
She was the girl who no one cared about, this boy could potentially ruin his social life because of her.
"just leave. It's for the best. Please forget i exist."
He stood there in shock,she was happy a second ago and now she's telling him to go way . He stared at her; looking into her eyes. her eyes held sympathy, sorrow and pain,her eyes which held all her emotions,her eyes are that he fell for.


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