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The Void: one

I run. I run in the void. Or maybe i should put it the other way: i run in order to acquire a void.

She hated way people looked at her. She hated the way people would give her looks of sympathy; as if they understood what she's been through, that they knew what they knew what she had to live with. They didn't know anything. They didn't know what it felt like to be treated differently because of how she looks.
How they would laugh at her face, not even behind her back; no, they would laugh right in front of her face; they would do right in front of her. They would make fun of her, when tears threaten to spill from her eyes. Calling her a freak, a nobody. No one knew what it felt like, they would tell her to die and she would almost do it but the thought of her parents; that was what stopped her.
She knew that her parents would disappointed to see her so soon. She was only 16. 16. she wished that she could rewind time. To go back and never go out that day. Make sure that she would stay home with her parents and tell them how much she loves them.


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