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The Void: seven

Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head.

After that night she went out, determined to prove them wrong,prove them wrong ,that she can be pretty, she will be pretty and nothing will stop her. But there was a voice in her head, telling her not to follow the path, not to become like them. But she ignored, she was sick of being made fun of, sick of all those people talking about her; talking about her flaws. She wanted to show them how beautiful she is, that she can hide her scars and be beautiful, she just wanted to be loved and adored

The next day, he felt his heart shatter. The girl he loved, the girl he stood up for had changed. She wore makeup,and what hurt him more was she didn't give him a second glance, not even the smile she used to give. No, she walked right past him and into the arms of the bully, but what she did next killed him; killed every single piece of him. she kissed her bully. the one who'd made fun of her, the one who had called her ugly. the one who hated her cause of her appearance.
"hey. how are you?"
"i'm great. what about you?"
"i'm fabulous."
This wasn't the girl he fell for, this was someone else who was wearing a mask of her. Someone who was wearing her and he refused to let her go. 
She saw the broken look on his face when she kissed him. She had gotten so many compliments today, and it made her feel wanted, made her feel beautiful,it made her feel perfect. But ,little did she know that perfect is an illusion, something made up by society. 

Society which makes people hide themselves, which kills your true self, which judges you.


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