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The Two Best Friends

This story is about two best friends and how their life changes.

Ringgggg, Ringggggggg,the alarm clock rang.
Wake, wake darling,do you want to be late for your school?” Yelled the mom
OK, I will be ready in a second”Cheered Eve
She came down as fast as possible. She reached the school at the perfect time. Eve was friends with Fiona. Fiona was Short,had black eyes,black hair and loved swimming. Eve was tall, had brown hair, loved swimming and had dark brown eyes. They both loved each other and they were BFF(best friends forever).
They ate lunch two together, break also.
The bell rang it was just time to go home.
Eve, I have a bad news for you.” Fiona whispered
“WHAT is the BAD NEWS.”screamed Eve
“I am moving from Jakarta”replied Fiona
“YOU are just playing around with me right” Eve said shockingly
“NO, its true” said Fiona
“Please don’t move from here, please.”Pleaded Eve
Fiona stood there,helplessly. Eve cried and cried.
“I promise we will be in touch” cried Fiona
Eve in anger, ran to her house, and told her mom about everything, that happened in school.
Her Mom was sad too,but no one can help.
Fiona went to her room and started thinking, will she ever meet her again?Will they still be friends?When will she come back?But, one thing was always in her mind, why is Fiona important to me? She is not my relatives or anything. But, she is my true best friend.
She thought and thought about what she learned from her. Hmmmmm…. I know, I know, I learned how to be a good true friend. Good friends are honest to each other, they support each other, be kind,Know about you,gives supportive feedback . “I will always be you best friend”Eve yelled out loud.
the doorbell rang,Eve ran downstairs thinking it might be Fiona.
Eve i am really sorry, I didn't mean to harm you.”Said Fiona
its ok, I understand now, but you promise me we will be in touch” Cheered Eve
They both have been best friends forever.


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