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Talent Show

It was a hot day, in PIE(Pondok Indah International School). My school was gigantic like a herd of elephants. On friday afternoon,I was on my way to my P.E class. Suddenly a loud voice from behind, GAYATRI, GAYATRI. It was my friend, Sanya shouting to wait for her. Sanya ran as fast as she could and reached my pace. She couldn’t wait to ask me ”Are you doing something for the fantastic, amazing talent show? WHAT TALENT SHOW, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I asked her ignorantly.  Sanya was stunned, that I didn’t know about the talent show, she eagerly shared that it is a show where you present your talent to the audience.OHH thats what a talent show is, thinking in my brain. Gayatri we have to practice for our dance also, my mom is going help us with the dance” added Sanya.“Is someone else, doing the dance with us?” I asked.“Yes, the queen of dancing Jia Thadani (Jia) is doing it too.” Chimed Sanya.“You have already asked Jia, if she wants to do the talent show?” I guessed.Yeh, I have already asked Jia an--”Sanya told.“She said yes!!!!” I interrupted.“I love working with groups an--”I Cheered. “I love working with my best friends”Sanya Interrupted.“So, I have invited you guys to my house, for some fun and practice.Kids playing around with soccer ball and some kids even cycling, Everyone staring at us as we go on by. While looking outside the window,I didn’t realize I have reached so fast at there house, that they were not expecting me that early. But, they welcomed me, and when I reached there, me, Jia and Sanya started practicing and Sanya’s mom like it a lot. Practice by practice each day, we got better and better. But, suddenly on the 10th day, I got food poisoning which made me rest on bed for 3 or more days. I Was really sad, I let the team spirit down. I was really working hard to get better and practiced at home. NANANA, LALALA, NANANANA,  LALALALA my moms phone rang. “Gayatri, wait for me I am coming too, for changing”Jia shouted. The next day……Ring,ring,ring… My alarm clock rang. “Get up,sweetie” My mom shouting at top of her voice.I am really excited to go to Sanya’s house and practice. “Get ready Gayu you have to go to Sanya’s house”Mom reminded.OKeee” I said in an excited voice. I got ready as fast as a cheetah, my car waiting for me outside.As usual I wished good morning to my driver in bahasa. “Selamat Pagi, Pak Andrea”I cheeredHe wished me back, “Selamat Pagi,Gayu”The car vroomed, as the engine started. As the gate opened for the car to go.I saw lots of people talking to eachother,laughing,looking happy. I thought it was my friend, so I ran fast as a ostrich, from my bedroom and picked it up. “HI”I yelled. “Hi, is this Gayu”Caller asked. “Yeah, this is Gayatri,who is this speaking?” I asked?“Hi Gayatri, I am Sanya, how are you?” Asked Sanya.“I am fine, I am going to come tomorrow for practice”I cheered. “Yeah, I am so happy, but are you sure about it, are you ok to practice?” Sanya asked worriedly.“I am totally fine Sanya, thanks for your concerns”I told.Tomorrow….I waked up early and got dressed up, my mom was surprised. “I am so excited to go to practice.” I cheered.“The driver is already waiting for you outside” My mom told“Selamat Pagi, Pak Andre” I cheered.“Selamat Pagi,Gayu”Andre said smiling.Today when the gate opened, I saw no one outside, the skys colour was light blue.As soon, I reached I started practicing with Sanya and Jia.“Tomorrow is the TALENT SHOW” Sanya burled out.“Yeah, I am so excited and nervous for tomorrow.” I cheered.“I am excited, guys. I am more excited than you guys” Jia cheered.We practiced a lot and a lot. We all got treats for Sanya’s mom. She wished us good luck for tomorrow.Talent Show!!!!! Imagine you are in a big black colored stage, everyones eyes are popping out to see you. What will you be feeling,nervous,happy,shocked? Well, it was our turn, to show our talent. We waited for the song to began, suddenly it starts, I standed in my ready position. Finally, it was my turn to come out of the curtains. I was smiling, oh no, i missed a part, but, remember don’t stop. I continued dancing like nothing wrong happened. I saw everyone clapping  at the end of our dance. I was so happy, when the dance was over, me,Jia and Sanya went to the changing room to change. While on the way to the changing room, lots of parents and my friends were giving me comments on my dancing. “Ok, ok , Jia” Me and Sanya shouted.Jia run as fast as she could to reach our pace.“I had lots of fun, today”Jia and Sanya cheered!!“You, guys danced so well”Sanya yelled!!!“You did too, we had a lot of effort for this dance.”I sang in funny voice!!“We all did a great job.” Sanya cheers!!“Yeah,totally!!!” Jia and me whined.“2 fab for them” I laughed!!


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