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How to Write a good Reading Response

  • Rewrite that title of the book, author, and the genre
  •  Tell the audience a bit about the characters
  • Tell us about the time and place (setting)
  • What is the problem
  • Tell us the solution to the problem
  • If you are reading a non-fiction book, talk about what you have learned
  • If you haven't complete reading the book, get ready to make predictions

  • Always make sure to complete at least 2 connections
  • There are 3 types of connections
  • Explain about the connection you made

3. Response
  • Always give evidence & examples from the book
  • Tell us why you liked or disliked the book?
  • Tell us why you like or disliked the author
  • Tell us if you found the book interesting?Why?
  • Tell us about if you would recommend this book to others? Why or why not? Which age group?

Please comment on whats your fav. book all time?
Mine is Sundays At Tiffany!!! 


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