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Shelter For Homeless
By: Gayatri

What is homelessness and who does it affect? Homelessness means to have no home or permanent place of residence. Homelessness affects hundreds of thousands of people today. It also affects the poor and the veterans who came from the war. It affects the veterans because after coming from the war they have no idea of where to live and what to do. Many people feel that homelessness is not a huge problem however, I believe that all people should have a home that belongs to them.

  From the day I was born, I have always had shelter. Some of my favorite vacation memories including trying different types of houses. Like living in villas, apartments and houses. But I have seen through my life that some adult and kids don’t have shelter.They have to live on roads and sometimes even kids and teens have to beg to live and get shelter. Tons of people in China, who live in small villages move to cities to find a better life and job. But most people who move to the city to find a job get homeless, I feel really sad for those people. Why doesn’t the government help them? This same situation is happening all around Europe.

From my observations, In Asia there are lots of homeless kids and adults. For me a house means a building where someone lives, and a home means a place to consider that they belong there. From the interviews I have done, lots of homeless people say leaving on the street is so hard that its like surfing to find a needle in a haystack. From the interviews I have done in Asia I have found out that the majority of people say its really hard, but the have to adapt to the environment. Why don’t people help? To restate the quote Mother Teresa once said,  If you can’t help the hundreds, then just help one.

Imagine your life without a proper home. You no longer have bedroom for sleeping, a kitchen for cooking food, or a bathroom for washing. Now Imagine hardly having money? How will you manage? But, I have seen people on street who can live without a home, without money. How miserble there life will be?
Without a doubt, I believe everyone should have equal access to physical structures that they can call home. If the truth be told, we can’t solve homelessness until the United Nations department contribute to the homeless societies. However, you have to tell two friends to read this essay , then tell those friends to share it to another two friends. If you do this challenge, you will spread awareness to help homeless kids. Shelters give people a feeling of well-being and boost their will to live. Without shelters, people become exhausted and often lose their will to live due to long exposure to the elements. Having a shelter therefore generally improves a person's quality of life. When considered as a home, a shelter is also where family members interact and where children are raised properly. Since shelters provide a sense of security, dwellers can better focus on the other aspects of their lives. Shelters also provide encouraged independence from the community.

Are you going to help anyone? Pls. Comment!!!


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