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The eldest girl in a family of thirteen. This was Rachel Mordecai Lazarus.Ever heard of her? She was an inspiration to many because of her boldness. Rachel Mordecai Lazarus was born in July 1,1788 to Jacob and Judith. In 1809, Mordecais opened a girl’s boarding school, with Rachel Lazarus as the head instructor. In 1821, Rachel married a widower, Aaron Lazarus, which led her to focus more on religion, to teach their kids. As she learend some wonderful and suprising facts about Christanity, She descided to follow her faith and convert to Christanity.  But, her mean husband threatened to take away their kids. Rachel had no choice, but to continue as  a Jew.But, her faith and belief as a Christian.  Finally the family gave up and wanted her yo die in peace, so they baptized her into the Episcopal Church.
“First as a Jew, later as a Christian, and always as a responsible women.”


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