Episcopal T he eldest girl in a family of thirteen. This was Rachel Mordecai Lazarus . Ever heard of her? She was an inspiration to many because of her boldness. Rachel Mordecai Lazarus was born in July 1,1788 to Jacob and Judith. In 1809, Mordecais opened a girl’s boarding school, with Rachel Lazarus as the head instructor. In 1821, Rachel married a widower, Aaron Lazarus, which led her to focus more on religion, to teach their kids. As she learend some wonderful and suprising facts about Christanity , She descided to follow her faith and convert to Christanity . But, her mean husband threatened to take away their kids. Rachel had no choice, but to continue as a Jew . But, her faith and belief as a Christian. Finally the family gave up and wanted her yo die in peace, so they baptized her into the Episcopal Church. “First as a Jew, later as a Christian, and always as a responsible women .”
Hai! Honestly, I don't know what to write for the description! Its the hardest part, even captions are. Well...hmm...I like writing, it sets my mind free, I can express my feeling and clips of my dreams and imaginations.